What are the risks of flex office?

Flex Office
February 5, 2024
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Are you embarking on the flex office adventure? This type of work organization reflects a genuine desire to redefine the relationship between employees and employers. It entails a profound transformation of theworkspace, social relations and even corporate culture.

Behind the many apparent advantages lie risks that should not be underestimated. Learn more about these issues, so you can identify and anticipate the risks associated with flex-office work organization, and guarantee successful implementation.

Fear of lack of privacy and confidentiality in the flex office

According to the 10th Actinéo barometer of quality of life at work in May 2023, 21% of those surveyed work in a flex office without a dedicated workstation. Withno fixed workstations, employees can experience a lack of privacy. Open spaces can give them the impression of being constantly monitored, engendering a feeling of permanent control. In an environment where employees frequently change workstations, ensuring the confidentiality and security of information also becomes more difficult.

Zoning is the ideal solution for segmenting theworkspace into different zones and providing individual workspaces (private offices, partitioned spaces, privacy bubbles) offering the possibility of seclusion.

The risk of distractions and noise that lead to loss of concentration and productivity

In a flexible working environment, more frequent distractions and demands can lead to a loss of concentration and a reduction in employee productivity. Evolving in new, constantly hectic working conditions, such as open spaces or coworking spacescan affect the quality of work.

To mitigate this risk, it's essential to think aboutacoustics whendesigning offices. Partitioned, soundproofed zones can be set up as required.Soundproofing is essential for managing noise in a flex office environment. All the more so since, according to the Parella 2022 Barometer, 75% of employees surveyed in France enjoy returning to their place of work, mainly to see and talk to their colleagues.

Feeling stressed when looking for a job

In a flex office, finding available space can be difficult, especially during peak periods, which can generate stress. Gérard Mardiné, General Secretary of the CFE - CGC, warns in the article "Le flex office face à ses contradictions" :

"We must avoid at all costs the phenomenon of a race to the workstation, which can be a source of tension. tension tension internally".

One solution to avoid this competition for the best workstations and meeting rooms is Deskare's desk booking tool.

Making communication more complicated

Operating without fixed desks can complicate communication and collaboration between team members, especially if they are not physically close to each other. Contacting a colleague in an open-plan office can quickly become a headache if you don't know which workstation they're at, or whether they're actually on the premises that day. Office life can suffer as a result, leading to a weakening of team cohesion between employees.

The use of flex office management software helps to strengthen social life, particularly in hybrid work. Thanks to the tools and workspaces available, employees can get together for (in)formal moments, creating a genuine company dynamic that enhances human relations. Shared schedules, team events, announcements and office life help strengthen connections between colleagues.

Example of an interactive, customized view on the Deskare application
Example of an interactive, customized view on the Deskare application

Neglecting occupational health and hygiene

Shared spaces can be more conducive to the spread of germs, increasing the risk of infection from bacteria and viruses.

Implementing a clean desk policy in an open space can reduce the risks associated with contamination. Determining the frequency of cleaning of common areas and workstations, along with the practice of "clean as you go", improves hygiene conditions.

The question of posture at work also deserves special attention. Desks and chairs must be easily adjustable to avoid musculoskeletal disorders(MSDs) such as back, shoulder or wrist pain. Theergonomics of the workplace must be thought through to avoid work-related suffering.

Feeling isolated

Although a flex office project promotes flexibility and mobility, some employees may feel a sense ofisolation. Employees may find themselves dispersed in different spaces, limiting opportunities to meet and exchange ideas.

This lack of regular contact can lead toisolation from colleagues and a diminished sense of belonging to a team. Employers must be attentive to psychosocial risks(PSR) in order to preserve the right to protection of the physical and mental health of each employee, and to offer moments of conviviality at work.

Using a hybrid schedule visible to all, setting up collaborative and relaxation areas, facilitating serendipity through the organization of spaces and human flows in professional offices are all solutions to prevent employees from feeling isolated.

See more : "From place to link" with Orange: a new era of hybrid and inclusive work

Coping with the depersonalization of the workspace

The absence of an employee's own personal space with hot desking can give the impression that employees have lost their place within the company, that they are easily replaceable. Delphine Minchella, teacher-researcher in management science at EM Normandie, points out in the article "Le flex-office, néfaste pour les salariés?" :

"Numerous research studies show that being able to territorialize thework space is very important in the sense of organizational belongingand therefore for motivation."

Employees' commitment to the company can be weakened. The loss of reference points engendered by mobility accentuates the feeling of interchangeability, a source of anxiety and disengagement.

To address these concerns, companies can :

  • create thematic areas and/or spaces dedicated to specific teams, depending on the department, with the zoning ;
  • involve employees in the process of designing workspaces to make them more attractive and adapted to their needs;
  • set up regular feedback mechanisms to gather employees' opinions on workspaces and adjust layouts accordingly.

To mitigate these flex office risks, good managerial practices need to be put in place. A significant adaptation of managerial culture is needed to help managers understand hybrid working, which involves juggling teams between face-to-face and remote working.

Flex office management must be based on a principle of trust and backed up by effective operational tools, such as flex office management software and remote work : shall we talk?