Create a warm workspace: the keys to a successful cocooning office

Future of work
June 30, 2023
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Would you like to transform your premises into a warm, productive space? In this article, discover our tips for creating an office cocoon that will boost your employees' well-being at work. From decoration to lighting and personalization, learn how to create a welcoming, comfortable workspace that feels just like home. Follow our advice to create an environment in tune with your corporate culture.

Placing uses at the heart of space planning

Offices come into their own when they are adapted to the people who use them. If workspaces don't meet employees' needs, there's a risk that they will quickly lose their effectiveness.

With the increasing practice of hybrid working, employees no longer have the option of going on site every day of the week. A company can spend thousands of euros fitting out its offices, but if its teams don't use them, what's the point? The Covid-19 pandemic underlined this point.

Offices must now offer tangible benefits in terms of comfort (ergonomic chairs, accessories, natural light, IT, etc.), services, tools and meaning, adapting to the way employees work on a daily basis.

Whether it's for brainstorming sessions, hybrid meetings, standing work or the need to isolate oneself in a phone box, usage must be at the heart of the design of every corner of the office.

But it's also important that these uses are complemented by pleasing elements that reflect the company's values and culture.

Interview employees to find the office universe

The first step in creating a successful cocooning office is to immerse yourself in the company culture and engage in dialogue with employees. By talking to the teams, you can find the common thread that will bring the office story to life. It's essential to talk to people at different hierarchical levels and with varying lengths of service, to get a global view of the company:

  • A survey can be carried out to obtain quantitative data
  • But it's also crucial to have in-depth discussions with employees to gather qualitative information.

Yemanjathe office fit-out specialist, recommends federating a representative group of employees. These ambassadors will help to develop a clearer vision of the company, and to involve all employees in the project, right through to delivery of the new site.

Interviewing employees will enable you to fine-tune the universe of the new spaces. For example, if the team works on series or film productions, you can create a "behind the curtain" universe where each space is linked to professions that are not visible on screen but essential to the creation of a film: technicians, make-up artists, set designers, etc.

And don't forget to give meaning to all the (re)designed spaces. Discover our tips for naming your meeting rooms!

Personalize spaces to mix uses

Personalization plays an important role in creating a cocooning office interior that blends different uses. It's important to understand the specific uses of employees and pay attention to their needs. Only once you understand how offices are used can you create comfortable rooms and corners that match expectations and are pleasant to live and work in on a daily basis.

Personalization can take many forms. You can incorporate any strong marker of the company's culture with the help of plants, lamps, chairs, furniture, armchairs and so on. The key is to create cozy, zen-like premises that reflect the organization's identity while preserving the natural aspect of the space.

The key is to mix and match. You can create both relaxing areas, such as a sofa in a carpeted room, or a landscaped garden for a feeling of well-being, and more dynamic, airy corners. In this way, you can respond to the diversity of activities carried out, stimulating ideas and innovations: individual and group work areas, formal and informal exchanges, and so on.

Are your offices ready for flex office?

The flex office promotes the creation of a pleasant, comfortable working environment. Flexible offices allow spaces to be freed up andbring movement into the office.

By adopting the flex office, employees are no longer restricted to a fixed workstation throughout the day. They can choose different spaces according to their preferences. For example, an employee can work at a desk for 3 hours, meet in a meeting room for 2 hours and spend the rest of the day on a sofa or in the cafeteria.

The flex office promotes flexibility and enables teams to adapt their working environment to their specific needs. However, it is important to take into account the transition of employees who have worked in a traditional office for years. To facilitate the transition to this new way of organizing work with the right support, tools exist to reassure and ensure optimal use of space.

Deskare can help you make the transition to a flex office!

In conclusion, to create a successful cocooning office, it's essential to place employees' uses and needs at the heart of the layout. By interviewing employees, personalizing workspaces and integrating flex office, you can create an environment conducive to well-being and productivity. Decorative elements should be used to make spaces more cozy and zen-like: lamps, light effects, furniture, armchairs, etc. A warm, cocooning office will enhance the hybrid work experience!

Find out how to add flexibility to your employees' daily lives.

FAQ : Answers to frequently asked questions about the cocooning office

How do you create a warm atmosphere in the office?

The use of natural materials such as wood, minimalist colors such as white, decorative elements and a touch of design (furniture, rugs, cushions, lamps, wall decor, storage), as well as adjusted lighting, create a modern office ambience and a comfortable atmosphere.

How do you find the right balance between different uses in a cozy office?

The trick is to create a combination of workspaces, such as individual offices, collaborative spaces and relaxation areas. By listening to employees' needs, you can find the right balance to meet all their uses.

How do you convince management to set up a flex office?

Present the benefits of the flex office, highlighting the flexibility it offers employees, the possibility of creating more dynamic workspaces and the resulting improvement in productivity. Use case studies and concrete examples to illustrate the benefits of flexible offices.

What are the productivity benefits of a cocooning office?

A cocooning office promotes employee well-being, which has a positive impact on productivity. The cosy, zen-like environment encourages concentration, reduces stress and improves motivation.