10 concrete actions to reduce energy consumption in the workplace

Future of work
November 23, 2023
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The price of energy is constantly increasing and companies must save energy to remain competitive. Excessive energy consumption, inefficient lighting, inadequate heating... So many problems that can be solved quite easily in the end.

In this article, we propose 10 concrete actions that will allow your company to reduce its energy consumption.

1. Make all employees aware of the benefits of saving energy at work

This is the first and most important step. The energy savings will only be possible if all employees are aware of the benefits to the company.

To do this, you can communicate through articles on the intranet, posters, meetings... You can even set up a system of bonuses correlated to the decrease in energy consumption observed following these measures.

2. Don't cut corners when it comes to reducing your company's energy consumption

It is often said that energy saving work is expensive. But this is only true in the short term. In the long term, investing in energy savings will pay off, and you will see it very clearly on your electricity or gas bills.

Moreover, the ADEME currently offers 95 aid schemes for the ecological and energy transition to support you in these expenses. Depending on the nature of your work, their price could be considerably reduced thanks to the government's energy policy.

3. Limit heating in the company

With the rising cost of electricity and gas, many businesses are looking for ways to save energy in the office. One way to do this is to limit heating.

A comfortable temperature for most office workers is between 20 and 22 degrees. So don't turn on the heat until the office is below that temperature. Employees will probably even be more productive in a cooler work environment.

4. Limit air conditioning in the building

Just like heating, air conditioning is a big energy consumer in companies. It is often used excessively, which considerably increases energy consumption.

To avoid this, invest in a centralized air-conditioning system that allows you to adjust the temperature in an optimal way. The multiplication of individual air-conditioning units can indeed lead to phenomenal energy consumption.

5. Choose suppliers who are aware of energy costs

Today, many companies are very concerned about their energy consumption. When choosing your suppliers, take this into account and give preference to those who have implemented an energy management system in their company.

This will allow you to work with players who are already aware of the importance of energy savings and to communicate with your teams and your customers on this subject. Over time, your entire industry, or sector of activity, will be in a position to consume less energy, and therefore save money.

6. Compare each electricity and gas supplier to reduce your bill

Businesses use a lot of electricity and gas, so it's important to compare suppliers and make sure you get the best deal. There are a few things to consider when comparing suppliers.

First, you need to know your company's energy consumption. This information can be found directly on your current supplier's bills. Once you know your consumption, you can compare rates to see who offers the best price.

In addition, some suppliers offer discounts to businesses that use a certain amount of energy. So if your business uses a lot of electricity or gas, it's worth checking to see if any of the suppliers offer discounts specific to your scale of consumption.

7. Be aware of the energy consumption of your electrical equipment

In addition to heating and lighting, electrical equipment such as computers, printers and computer servers can account for a significant portion of your company's energy consumption.

It is therefore important to be aware of the power consumption of your appliances and to choose those that consume little energy. Also, try to use them only when necessary.

8. Turn off lights automatically after hours

One way to reduce energy consumption in the office is toinstall automatic light sensors that turn off the lights when no one is in the room.

This can be especially useful in meeting rooms and kitchens. Lights in these areas often stay on for long periods of time, even when no one is using them.

9. Install efficient light bulbs to reduce costs

Another way to reduce your company's energy consumption is toinstall energy-efficient light bulbs. These bulbs use less electricity and last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs.

In addition, many energy-efficient bulbs emit less heat, which can help reduce your company's cooling costs.

10. Promote the remote work

The remote work is an excellent way to reduce your company's energy consumption. By allowing employees to work from home, you can significantly reduce your office's electricity and gas consumption. What's more, remote work can help reduce traffic congestion and pollution. And it can also increase employee productivity.

In conclusion, there are many concrete actions your company can take to save energy.

By comparing suppliers, being aware of the energy consumption of your appliances, installing automatic light sensors and energy-saving light bulbs, and promoting remote work, you can make a significant difference to your company's energy consumption.