Why recruit digital nomads, the new generation of permanent teleworkers?

Future of work
August 26, 2022
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The digital nomadsor "digital nomads" as they have been known since the 2000s, represent a category of the working population. They can be employed or self-employed, and have one thing in common: they're free from any office. They take advantage of the digital age to enjoy total freedom of movement. They are often represented by images of workers traveling the world, thanks to the Internet. They carry out professional assignments for companies from a distance, 100% online.

Travelling while working: who are the digital nomads?

Developed by the deployment of NTIC (New Information and Communication Technologies), this trend is becoming more and more successful. And not only among young workers, but also among professionals traveling with their families. The movement is growing, spreading to different segments of the working population and giving birth to a new category of consumers.

In 2024 alone, there will be over 40 million digital nomads worldwide, including 17.3 million in the USA alone (source: MBO Partners study).

To become a digital nomad, it is often enough to have access to two things to carry your work everywhere: an internet connection and a computer. There are therefore jobs that are more suitable than others. In this context, find below a list of ten jobs (M/F) that can be practiced in a nomadic way:

  • Web Developer
  • App Developer
  • Webdesigner
  • Motion designer
  • Graphic designer
  • Web editor, Copywriter (SEO or freelance)
  • Content creator
  • Community manager
  • Marketing and advertising expert
  • Photographer

These professionals are often closely linked to the digital and web worlds. However, more and more sectors and professions are going digital, and can now be practiced from anywhere, provided they have an internet connection. So it's not surprising to find an accountant or lawyer working in the same way as these early digital nomads.

Faced with the growth of this practice, the tourism and hotel industries have invested heavily. After the terrible shock of the health crisis, these sectors are adapting and responding to this new demand. The Canary Islands, for example, are one of the preferred destinations for digital nomads. An aggressive low-cost policy and all-inclusive weekly packages are being promoted: accommodation, work and leisure equipment, often turnkey. Airbnb, the Californian giant, has noted an increase in the number of reservations on the platform "for remote working and short-term relocations".

The independent or freelance workers represent another category of workers, characterized by a separate legal status. They work at a distance in two ways. They are often geographically far away from companies' premises, but also statutorily far away from the typical salaried worker. The success of this status since 2020 only supports the societal aspiration to greater freedom, in the workplace, but also beyond.

The motivations of digital nomads

The routine of digital nomads is very simple: there really is no such thing. They don't have a fixed place of work and move around a lot.

After several interviews, we realized that these, often young, active people are keen to combine their personal aspirations with a professional life in line with the digital professions. This flexible way of working gives them a freedom that they value more and more. Why limit yourself to living in a capital city with an expensive rent? When you can now choose the part of the world where you want to work?

The choice of companies, clients and missions also plays a role. The field of possibilities that opens up challenges this population and this is what some of them are looking for. Moreover, often wishing to leave the big cities, they say they want to meet new people, get inspired by foreign cultures, reconnect with nature and finally save money.

Working with digital nomads: what companies can gain

With the number of digital nomads on the rise, managers can't ignore the appeal of digital freedom and the great cultural diversity it offers. The question is: why and how do we attract this talent? Companies don't want to miss out on the digital nomad bandwagon. They also want to retain talent rather than drive it away. Some even allow 100%remote working, thereby enabling and encouraging employees to work from wherever they like.

Several advantages for companies stand out. First of all, they can attract locals eager for freedom, but also international professionals. Recruiting companies can expand their talent pool as far as possible. To do this, they must be prepared to work in a wider geographical area, but also potentially with different statuses.

How do you recruit these nomads? How to integrate them? These questions need to be answered before taking the plunge. It's a choice that can position companies strategically to attract the best candidates. It's also important to bear in mind that the company's culture is likely to be challenged. Adaptation will undoubtedly be necessary, so as not to see its values blown to the four winds.

Other issues, of a managerial nature, may arise. The challenge is to find a rhythm to synchronize teams that live in different time zones, sometimes completely opposite. Solutions exist: communication or collaborative work management tools , for example.

Framing these policies allows companies to be innovative, to push their creativity, their limits and to gain in attractiveness!

How to recruit these nomads?

Legal and technical adjustments may be necessary for companies wishing to recruit digital nomads. It is also important to ensure proper IT security.

On the salary side, if the nomad stays abroad for more than six months a year, he may be considered as a tax resident of his adopted country, which has consequences on his income and its taxation.

When recruiting digital nomads, you want to have access to a geographically wider, even global, pool of talent? Digital is your friend for recruiting them:

  • Publish job offers on specialized job boards: Jobspresso, Working Nomads, Jobgether, Remotive or Remote ok
  • Also post offers on social networks, such as LinkedIn, but also on dedicated Facebook groups
  • Think of your network to relay offers and recommend talents
  • Use video conferencing tools to conduct interviews and assess candidates' interpersonal skills: Teams, Skype, Zoom or Google Meet
  • To ensure that the work can be done despite a potential time difference, you can use a collaborative work solution, such as Notion
  • Prepare for remote onboarding and spread the company culture with presentations, practical guides and regular updates via online communication tools: Slack, Teams or Workplace from Facebook

To go further, discover how Swapcard maintains its corporate culture while recruiting its employees 100% remote, worldwide!