How does good management promote job satisfaction? 

January 31, 2023
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Many people use the term "job satisfaction" as just a buzzword, but it can be very important to delve into its meaning and importance. There are so many different jobs and career types. Job satisfaction is defined as the level of satisfaction employees feel with their work. It goes beyond their day-to-day tasks and includes satisfaction with team members and management, satisfaction with the organization's policies, and the impact of their work on their personal lives.

In this article, we will try to explain what job satisfaction is, how to improve it and what is its link with good management.

What is job satisfaction?

Job satisfaction, a non-quantifiable measure, is defined as a positive emotional response you feel when doing your job or being present at the office. Large companies are now trying to measure this feeling, with job satisfaction surveys becoming a staple in most workplaces.

It is important to remember that job satisfaction varies from employee to employee. In the same workplace and under the same conditions, the factors that help one employee feel good about his or her job may not apply to another employee. That's why it's essential to have a multidimensional approach to employee satisfaction, covering the following areas:

  • The challenging nature of the work, which pushes employees to reach new heights.
  • A level of convenience (short commutes, access to the right digital tools and flexible schedules)
  • Regular assessment by immediate management and the company as a whole.
  • A competitive salary that allows employees to maintain a good quality of life
  • The promise of career progression in line with employees' personal development goals

What are the factors that influence the feeling of job satisfaction?

Contrary to popular belief, financial compensation alone has limited impact on job satisfaction. In a recent survey of what makes employees happy at work, found that salary came in last on the list of things that increase job satisfaction.

Instead, the study highlighted factors beyond salary alone, including company culture or values, career opportunities and leadership.

According to Indeed's Workplace Happiness Report, here are the factors that contribute most to job satisfaction: 

  • The feeling of being stimulated by work
  • Sense of belonging
  • Having a sense of purpose
  • Achieving goals
  • A culture of inclusion

How can you improve job satisfaction in your workplace?

Be flexible

Giving employees greater control, autonomy and responsibility for their own time in (and out of) the workplace is paramount. With the growing popularity of work-life balance as an employee demand, particularly among the millennial generation, giving employees flexible working hours and the ability to remote work according to individual needs is a key first step. Accepting that employees arrive and leave earlier or later also helps reduce the stress associated with commuting! 

Allow employees to define their own role 

People who have the opportunity to define their own role and work to their strengths are also more satisfied with their work. 

Regular job evaluations, which allow employees to provide feedback and encourage a proactive approach to role development, address this need; however, managers will need to be judicious in aligning an individual's desires with the larger needs of the business. 

Recognize and reward - beyond financial compensation 

Employees need to know that their work and performance are recognized and appreciated. Put recognition processes in place, whether it's an announcement on the company intranet, an internal newsletter or a staff meeting, to ensure that work is celebrated. Think of smaller but equally meaningful benefits that your staff might appreciate: whether it's vouchers, an extra day off, sleeping in, one-time gifts, or simply the use of the best parking space for the month. Set challenging, but achievable, goals that employees can aim for and reach. 

Promote communication and transparency 

When change occurs in the workplace, disgruntled employees are those who feel they were not kept informed. The result is disengagement and the potentially toxic spread of rumors and misinformation.

A transparent approach to keeping employees informed is essential. By using internal communication tools or platforms such as the intranet, company emails and newsletters, cascading leadership meetings or town hall announcements, you ensure that your staff is in the loop. Communication should also be a two-way process: adopt an open-door policy to invite comments and questions and encourage a collaborative culture in which employees feel they are heard and their opinions are respected. 

Offer training to employees

Help your employees go further and boost their career development. According to a study called "The Employee Barometer," investing in employees by providing training, development, mentoring or coaching improves their satisfaction and commitment to the company. As an employer, you benefit not only from happier employees, but also from the additional skills and expertise they are then able to offer.