What does an innovative, connected meeting room look like?

Future of work
November 23, 2023
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Meetings have evolved over time from simple in-person meetings to virtual meetings using remote communication tools like Google Meet, Teams, Zoom. 

Meeting rooms and their management have also evolved to adapt to changing business needs. 

In this article, we will attempt to describe the meeting room of the future: what does it look like? We will see how connectivity, flexibility, sustainable design and security play a key role in the design of these meeting rooms. We'll also look at how the use of technology, augmented and virtual reality, sustainable materials, renewable energy and facial recognition can make meetings more efficient and enjoyable for all participants.

More connected meeting rooms

Connectivity is one of the most important aspects of the meeting room of the future. Startups and companies that are modernizing need to be able to hold remote meetings with participants from different locations around the world. To meet these needs, the meeting rooms of the future use technology for enhanced connectivity.

Using technology for improved connectivity

Meeting rooms of the future are equipped with high-tech equipment to enable participants to connect remotely. This includes communication tools that facilitate videoconferencing, online meetings and real-time chats. It's also easy to imagine the integration of tools like Figma, for example, to work together in a meeting on a model.

These tools allow participants to connect and collaborate effectively, even if they are not physically present in the same room.

Use of augmented and virtual reality

Augmented and virtual reality are also used to enhance the meeting experience. Participants can use augmented reality headsets to connect with virtual participants, or to view documents and images in 3D. This allows for an immersive meeting experience, where participants can feel as if they are in the same room, even if they are thousands of miles away.

Use of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI ) is also being used to enhance the meeting experience. For example, voice assistants can be used to manage calendars, invitations and presentations. Participants can also use voice commands to access documents and data. Meeting rooms of the future can even use AI to detect signs of distraction and drowsiness, and adjust lighting and temperature accordingly.

More flexible meeting spaces

Flexibility is also a key element of the meeting room of the future. Companies have changing meeting needs, and the meeting room must be able to adapt to those needs.

The ability to configure the meeting room according to the specific needs of each meeting

Meeting rooms of the future are designed to be configurable to the specific needs of each meeting. Participants can choose the furniture layout, lighting and ambiance to create the ideal working environment. Meeting rooms can also be equipped with touch screens to allow participants to share information easily.

The use of modular furniture for a flexible work space

The meeting rooms of the future also use modular furniture to allow greater flexibility. Furniture can be moved and reconfigured to suit the needs of the meeting. This allows participants to quickly change the layout of the room to create a more productive workspace.

Connected and interactive presentation equipment

Meeting rooms of the future are equipped with innovative presentation equipment to enable effective presentation. Participants can use tools such as interactive whiteboards, touch screens and projectors to share information. 

Meeting rooms can be equipped with quality sound and lighting systems to enhance the presentation experience.

The meeting room of the future will be more design and sustainable

Design is also a key element of the meeting room of the future. Companies are looking to create pleasant and productive workspaces for their employees.

Use of natural materials for a more pleasant atmosphere

Meeting rooms of the future use natural materials to create a more comfortable atmosphere. Walls and ceilings can be covered with wood, stone, or bamboo to give a warm, cozy feel. Windows can be larger to allow for more natural light, and plants can be used to bring greenery into the space.

Smart lighting for better productivity

Meeting rooms of the future are equipped with intelligent lighting to improve productivity. Lights can be programmed to adapt to the needs of the meeting, increasing or decreasing the intensity depending on the time of day. The lights can also be used to create specific moods, such as dimmed light for creative meetings and bright light for business meetings.

Integration of vegetation for a more natural atmosphere

Finally, the meeting rooms of the future also incorporate vegetation for a more natural atmosphere. Plants can be used to improve air quality, reduce noise and bring greenery into the space. Meeting rooms can also be designed to allow natural light into the room, creating a more pleasant environment for participants.

More secure meeting spaces

Security is a crucial aspect of the meeting room of the future. Companies need to ensure that their employees and customers feel safe and secure when meeting in their offices.

Facial recognition for secure access in the meeting room of the future

Meeting rooms of the future use facial recognition to ensure secure access. This allows company employees to access the meeting room only after being recognized by the facial recognition system. This ensures that only authorized employees have access to the meeting room and its confidential information.

In conclusion, what should we expect from the meeting room of the future?

In conclusion, the meeting room of the future is an innovative, secure workspace that meets the changing needs of businesses and their employees. The use of technology, augmented and virtual reality, AI, enhanced connectivity and improved flexibility all contribute to creating a productive and enjoyable workspace for all participants. It's important for companies to ensure that their meeting rooms are equipped with the technologies and

Connectivity is enhanced through the use of technology, augmented and virtual reality and AI. 

Flexibility is enhanced by the ability to configure the meeting room to the specific needs of each meeting, the use of modular furniture and the use of innovative presentation equipment. Design is enhanced by the use of natural materials, intelligent lighting and the integration of vegetation. 

Finally, security is enhanced through the use of facial recognition and surveillance technology. Meeting rooms of the future are designed to create pleasant, productive and safe workspaces for employees and clients.