The flex office solution your employees
‍will love.

Save time and visibility in organizing your organization's remote work and flex office.

Deskare, the flex office solution your employees‍ will love.

Plus de 500 bureaux à travers le monde utilisent Deskare.

Revolutionize your employee experience
in hybrid mode.

Our intuitive, easy-to-use interface makes it possible to involve the whole company in the organization of remote work and the flex office.

Easily manage your flex office space.

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Simplifiez la venue de vos collaborateurs via la réservation de poste de travail ou de zone

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Configurez des règles de zoning pour organiser vos espaces selon vos souhaits

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Accédez aux données de fréquentation de vos bureaux pour mieux comprendre leur utilisation

Managing the flex office on Deskare
Switch to data-driven workplace management - deskare
Make the work of your IT departments easier - Deskare

Easily organize remote work of your employees.

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Donnez enfin à vos collaborateurs la réponse à la question : "qui vient quand ?"

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Pilotez le télétravail de vos équipes en fonction de vos règles personnalisables selon votre accord

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Facilitez le rôle du manager et renforcez la cohésion des équipes

Organize remote work on Deskare

Reinforce social life in hybrid work.

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Relevez les défis humains du travail hybride : préservez la cohésion et luttez contre l'isolement

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Consolidez le lien social grâce aux plannings partagés et aux évènements d'équipe

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Dynamisez l'expérience collaborateur en célébrant les anniversaires et bien plus

Discover our social features
Help your employees to find their way around easily - deskare
Simplify your HR management of remote work - deskare

Control all your office resources.

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Gérez vos salles de réunion depuis Deskare, en synchronisation avec Outlook et Google Agenda

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Donnez à vos collaborateurs la possibilité de réserver une place de parking

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Planifiez la venue de vos visiteurs et externes de A à Z

Manage meeting rooms on Deskare

They chose us for our simplicity.

Bayard Group logo
"Deskare came at just the right time in our relocation project involving the implementation of flex office: we were able to project ourselves into the future building and prepare the organization to be put in place thanks to data."
Vicent Blachier, CIO at Bayard Presse
Vincent Blachier
Chief Information Officer
Stuart's logo
"In the list of criteria we were looking for, Deskare was the solution that best matched our employees' needs. The team listened right away. That was super helpful!" Read more
Alexandra Vozniak, Global Workplace & Culture Manager at Stuart
Alexandra Vozniak
Global Workplace & Culture Manager
Believe logo
"Deskare is an ideal tool for HR and Facilities departments. The larger the workforce we deal with, the more useful the application becomes. I'd recommend it to any company operating in flexible or hybrid working mode - it's clearly necessary!" Read more
Molinard Controle, Office Coordinator at Believe
Molinard Controle
Office Coordinator
Action contre la Faim logo
"Deskare's total integration with Microsoft Teams has ensured perfect adoption of the flex office. With automatic reminders, it's quick and convenient: people know which space to reserve. We achieved our goal ahead of schedule, which is perfect!" Read more
Céline Vermersch, IS Project Manager at Action contre la Faim
Céline Vermersch
IS Project Manager
Sodexo logo
"Deskare allows us to understand habits by collecting data, and it's this data that will shape the future of our HR policy." Read more
Florent Lambert, General Manager of Sodexo's Italian subsidiary
Florent Lambert
Managing Director, B&R Italy
Lifen logo
"Deskare let us know that we could look for offices that were smaller in terms of surface area and therefore 50% cheaper than what we had until now." Read more
Juliette Parichet, Lifen HR Operations Manager
Juliette Parichet
HR Operations Manager
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100% integrated with Microsoft Teams.
And everything else.

Deskare is not "just another tool". It can be accessed directly from Slack and Teams, using SSO. It's also synchronized with your HRIS or leave module, connected to Google Calendar or Outlook: everything is done to simplify your life.
Already integrated with all your tools.
Safety is our top priority.

Safety is our top priority.

The security of your employees' data is paramount. That's why we adopt the strictest standards on the market to protect them. Our data is hosted in Europe and RGPD-compliant, but that's not all!
Want to see Deskare in action?
Book a live demo with one of our experts: we will come back to you within the day to present the tool and answer your questions.
Discover the solution live!
Deskare in the press
Challenges logo
Le Figaro logo