Sodexo BRS Italy
& Deskare

"Deskare allows us to understand habits by collecting data that shapes our new HR policy."

In brief
Sodexo uses Deskare to redesign its collaboration organization in a sustainable and hybrid way
Quality of life services
Number of employees
April 2021

Sodexo BRS (Benefits and Rewards Services), a subsidiary of the Sodexo Group (world leader in Quality of Life services, with 412,000 employees in 55 countries and 17.4 billion euro in revenues), specializes in Quality of Life services and offers a full range of solutions and services to meet the challenges of employee development and engagement, notably through its restaurant card offer.

Florent Lambert, an international transformation specialist at Sodexo, arrived in 2021 as CEO of Sodexo BRS in Italy (10,000 client companies, 600,000 users and 120 employees). His mission is to transform the Italian subsidiary to improve agility and client satisfaction; to review the very organization of collaboration in a sustainable and hybrid manner.

"While we have transformed ourselves into a 100% digital company with the arrival of restaurant cards, we still have a traditional company DNA. My mission is to transform Sodexo BRS in Italy into an agile company that focuses on the employee experience. And for me, growth and social commitment go hand in hand. That's why this transformation also had to take place from within, with agile and empowering solutions tailored to the new work organization," said Florent Lambert.

In the midst of Italy's "Smart Working" revolution, Florent Lambert implemented a two-day minimum office rhythm for his 120 employees starting in April 2022 and chose Deskare, a French startup, for its SaaS hybrid work organization platform to accelerate Sodexo BRS's digital human transformation process in Italy.

Transforming the company from within through digitalization and empowerment

Within the framework of a global HR transformation policy, Florent Lambert was looking for an agile, simple and intuitive solution that would allow a less pyramidal organization of the Italian subsidiary; allowing a different and sustainable approach to collaboration.

"From my perspective, breaking down silos internally is essential to satisfying the end user. By allowing employees to manage their schedules with confidence and accountability, Deskare allows us to drive this transformation."

Sodexo BRS in Italy now offers a new office experience that transforms the physical space into a real place of exchange based on real needs.

Indeed, Deskare makes it possible to know in real time where each collaborator is, which greatly facilitates the meeting between all the collaborators:

See where your employees are working at all times!
"Deskare allows us to understand habits by collecting data that shapes our new HR policy."

Moving from the office to intelligent collaboration

By deploying Deskare, Florent Lambert wished to help employees to transform themselves, to change the way of understanding collaboration and to gain in quality of life in the service of the end customers' satisfaction.

Today, 100% of Sodexo BRS employees in Italy use the Deskare solution to manage their schedules and inform them whether they are in the office or at home. On the manager's side, the solution allows on the one hand to manage Smart Working in line with legal obligations and on the other hand to have precise data to analyze habits.

"We are in a learning phase to define the uses and the office of tomorrow. Deskare allows us to understand the habits by collecting data and it is these data which will draw our new HR policy" adds Florent Lambert.

Use data to analyze your employees' work habits!

As of September 2022, and following an internal audit on the appreciation of this new way of working, Sodexo BRS in Italy intends to accelerate the HR transition by having a unified system that integrates and embraces the various needs of the employee: management of remote work, management of Smart Working, clocking in and out, leave management, etc....

"We will, with Deskare, co-construct the solution so that it meets the evolution of our needs through a single platform integrating new applications, in response to our real needs" concludes Florent Lambert.

To find out more, book a demo with our team ⬇️

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