& Deskare

"Deskare makes it easy to organize workspaces and provides an indispensable view of a site's traffic patterns!"

In brief
Find out how Believe, market leader in digital music, simply pilots hybrid and flex office working with Deskare
Supporting artists and labels
Number of employees
September 2022

‍Believe, one of the world leaders in the digital music market, has experienced significant growth in recent years thanks to its technological platform, the unique digital expertise of its employees enabling it to advise its artists and labels, distribute and promote their music. Founded in 2005, Believe now employs 1,720 people in over 50 countries, including 643 in France.

Since 2019, the organization of work has been evolving rapidly. Between the relocation of the Paris offices, the signing of the telecommuting agreement, the perpetuation of hybrid working and, most recently, the gradual switch to flex office, Believe needed a tool to better manage the organization of work in its new spaces.

Deskare was chosen to deliver a seamless hybrid experience:

  • Declaration of teleworking days and on-site presence
  • Reservation of workspaces adapted to needs
  • On-site collaboration made easy
  • Optimizing office space

Discover Believe's experience feedback through the testimony of Molinard Controle, Office Coordinator : challenges met and actions implemented for a transition to a sustainable hybrid and flex office working model, thanks to a better management of the working environment.

"Deskare is an ideal tool for HR and Facilities departments. The larger the workforce we deal with, the more useful the application becomes. I recommend it to all growing companies that operate in flexible or hybrid working modes - it's clearly necessary!"

The evolution of work organization at Believe

The pandemic and the 100% teleworking imposed by the context, have upset habits and to adapt to the market, Believe has reviewed its work organization strategy.

Following the move, between 2020 and 2023, practices will be transformed with :

  • ‍Ateleworking agreement : each employee can telework 2 to 3 days a week‍
  • A reappropriation of the working environment : with a return to site where flexible open spaces, informal spaces (semi-partitioned armchairs, individual or duo bubbles), or living and convivial spaces on every floor, facilitate collaboration‍
  • Deskare : control your workspace to adapt to a more flexible environment and work more serenely


1. See where teams are working in the office

With hybrid working, employees need toanticipate their arrival on site and know where their colleagues or teams are , so they can work together more easily. In addition, the rapid increase in headcount calls for regular, targeted monitoring of team occupancy rates to anticipate any internal moves.

The adoption of a dedicated tool was then necessary to :

  • Facilitating collaboration
  • Monitoring space occupancy
  • View the distribution of teams on different floors
"Faced with Believe's strong growth, we needed to track workspace occupancy. Our attempts at mapping were insufficient and time-consuming, given the rapid growth of our teams. We absolutely needed a tool to help us better manage the hybrid and occupancy of our environment."

2. Encourage employees to declare teleworking

To monitor and enforce the telecommuting agreement, Believe needed a tool that was more ergonomic than its HRIS, and that would :

  • Convenient and easy for employees
  • Useful for managers and HR

3. Recommend reserving workstations

Following the signing of the teleworking agreement, job reservation was recommended. Gradually, the flex office was introduced for teams under pressure, in order to :

  • Identify over- and under-utilized areas
  • Get the big picture
  • Be able to quantify visitor patterns

The solution

Believe decided to deploy Deskare, a tool integrated into the employee ecosystem, to ensure the best possible hybrid experience.

HRIS integration

Deskare integrates via API with various HRIS systems to automate the synchronization of users, teams and employees' days off and absences, thus avoiding double data entry. This facilitates onboarding and offboarding.

Microsoft Teams integration

Deskare includes automatic reporting reminders in communication tools to ensure maximum adoption, as well as integration with the corporate calendar to reflect live status and reinforce hybrid collaboration.

"Deskare's integration with Microsoft Teams ensures a good reporting rate. It's not just another tool added to a long list of tools. It's easy for employees to find their way around."

What Deskare brings to Believe

Time-saving: administrators control on-site teams autonomously, with just a few clicks

‍Lessmental workload: automation helps focus on higher value-added tasks

‍Bettervisibility: every user has a view of hybrid schedules and occupied workstations

5-star customer satisfaction

Believe gave Deskare a customer satisfaction score of 100% (CSAT) for day-to-day assistance and quality of support.

Because a move to hybrid and flex office working can be frightening, the tool reassures employees by enabling them to easily find their colleagues and a workstation in a space adapted to their needs.

"The support is going very well, and the Deskare teams have always been very responsive. Having a privileged contact person has greatly helped the tool to be so well adopted internally."

To ensure compliance with current hybrid policies and the best possible adoption of the tool, Deskare experts are available even before the platform deployment phase:

  • Demonstrations via Microsoft Teams webinars
  • Training sessions (administrators, managers, users)
  • Answers to questions via dedicated chat
  • Ongoing tool enhancements
"Deskare makes it easy to organize workspaces and provides an indispensable view of a site's traffic patterns!"

The results

Find your way more easily

For the past two years, Deskare has been making hybrid working more social , making it easier for Believe teams to get together at the office or elsewhere. Everyone chooses the best times to visit the site, depending on their work-life balance, colleagues' schedules or organized events.

With Deskare, Believe strengthens the links between its employees in a context of hybrid working and increasingly shared offices, encouraging exchange and collaboration.

Daily monitoring of workspaces

Deskare has become an indispensable tool for administrators, who rely on it on a daily basis, in particular to support employees by locating their workstations more easily.

"Deskare makes it easy to organize workspaces and provides an indispensable view of a site's traffic patterns!"

Manage more serenely in hybrid mode

Managers are more effective at monitoring their teams' hybrid habits. Compliance with telecommuting agreements is now assured, contributing to better human resources management.

Reassuring employees about the flex office

The simplicity of reserving office space gives staff on tense teams peace of mind: everyone is guaranteed a space when they are on site. This encourages optimum use of office space.

The move to shared offices

Involving teams in space organization

Post-Covid, the gradual return to the office has been accompanied by significant growth in staff numbers, affecting the working environment. In 2022, through the bi-annual survey conducted by HR and the CSE, teams expressed a need to be grouped together on the same floor . In early 2023, Believe launched a major site reorganization project.

The transition to the flex office

For teams under pressure, the reservation of workstations was quickly put in place. This gradual move towards a flexible office model was facilitated by the pre-existing use of Deskare. To meet the demand for team reunification, it was necessary to rethink the distribution of staff on site.

Convincing the CSE

Thanks to Deskare, Believe had a detailed map of the current distribution of teams and the number of seats available. To convince the CSE, several factors were taken into account:

  • Current operating costs with allocated workstations
  • The maximum number of stations per tray authorized by safety
  • Forecast growth in teams by the end of 2023

The only realistic solution was to move to a flex office. Believe's experience underlines the importance of collecting data to analyze the existing situation before undertaking major organizational changes.

"The decisive part of the demonstration at the CSE was the use of Deskare. We presented accurate data on attendance patterns. Each shift never exceeded 60% attendance, which enabled us to calculate calculate the exact number of workstations needed to accommodate all employees."

One year on: what's the verdict?

Believe has succeeded in creating a strong, reassuring hybrid employee experience, while adapting its spaces to the needs of its growing teams.

Deskare provides Believe with precise visibility of site traffic, identification of areas of tension and support for teams setting up flex office, first in France, then internationally.

The undisputed advantage of adopting the tool lies in its integration with Microsoft Teamswhich avoids dispersal of communication channels while ensuring fluidity for users.

Building on its success, Deskare is a promising first step in Believe's ambitious project to transform the office into a real place to live.

Thanks to the invaluable data provided by the tool on attendance days and patterns, Believe optimizes the organization of on-site events and activities, helping to create bonds and maintain a friendly, pleasant atmosphere for all its employees!

We're delighted to contribute to improving Believe's working environment, and are proud of the results we've achieved together. If you're also looking for a better way to organize hybrid working, while optimizing your workspaces by enabling your employees to get together, get in touch with one of our experts who will help you explore solutions that meet your specific needs. Your success is our priority, and we look forward to helping you achieve your goals.

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